Sunday, December 18, 2011

off day..sick....

supposely yesterday to be my off day... suddenly.... i fall sick.... sore throat....
parents off to Thailand.... no 1 look after me... only my brother...
if i can drive, i wouldnt being trouble to him... i drive myself go to hospital.....

im just being so kinds of weird... my brother suddenly being treat me soo nice...extremely nice...
before this just "beh song" to each other.... i'm kinda surprise....
but is nice though... i wishing every single day would be like this...

supposely today am not off, suddenly yesterday i fall sick.... sore throat, flu....
tomorrow i have to work cause my Co-worker off.... so... i wish i can be patient...
sighhh... hopefully that tomorrow can see Icing Boy... he's only my Dr.... :D

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

back to short hair again....'s truth.... im back to back to short hair.... cant believe... nt tat short like the time i went for PLKN that short.... the length... shoulder.... is almost like BOB.... i love it... am just dunno why suddenly wanna have a short hair.. last time i struggle dont wanna cut my hair.... seriously...... :D
suddenly wanna cut...short hair....

maybe the GG[Girl's Generation] (Taeyoung) she short hair...i love her...maybe thats makes me to have short hair... wanna dye or highlight my hair... but... is impossible.... my mum will kill me for tat... LOL


its been long time didnt wrote anything on my blog.... these few days just been busy..... final weeks.... had some arguements with my own classmate.... WAR..... syiokkkk.....

right month,.......

just working.... working......

is my 1st job... as part time job..... quiet tired dohhh.....
never been that tired before... stand, sit, sleepy.... haix...mcm mcm...

my co-worker, her name: Nurul.... she's fun though...funny...when our boss leave us, me and her just kidding around.... fooling around... kinda fun.... hehehehheeeeee.......

working at bakery shop is fun...always see good, delicious food... feels hungry all the time... LOL...
holding knife..... do sandwhich.... which my customer will buy it... peel,cut the fruits... :D

heheheee.... new experience

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


hey guys.. watz up???? im hope u guys doing well. for those taking SPM, am wishing u. GOOD LUCK!
study hard, play hard.

am just finish and done my exam... AMEN.....
am just worried lahhh... have to wait untill next year end of Feb then i can see my result... isshhh....

3 months holiday!!!! dont know what am i doing in this 3 months holiday... all i can say is......


thats all i can say..... heheheeee...... already end for our exam.. but, we still have to go campus for our last assignments, and presentation. i wishing that we can do this for the best!!!!!!!!!! fighting!!!!!!!!

tomorrow morning i have to go campus for nail design..... CT will design my nail.... then 2pm, we're going to discuss for our presentation & assignment.... haixxx... tired....

Monday, November 7, 2011


sorry for long time didnt updated...
just being busy like.... dunno how to says it...:D

soon will be end of our sem3...
going to sem4 next year... it's getting more challenging... :((( ready to face it now... chiayokkk

tomorrow is our advertising subject presentation... is final presentation. is abit nervous though....
is counting marks..
im just dunno why i'm soo worried and nervous....
its just like something going to happen... ohh God....

the topic we're going to do is...

Advertising in Thailand.
can u imagine???
i havent't been to thailand.... never know about thailand and etc.
our group mate also my friend she give us the suggestion that, how about we plan to go there.
but... the things is... Thailand having natural flood.
thats the point.

thank God..
have Google helping us to solve the problem.
Thank You soo much!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Planet Radio

27-10-2011 our LIMKOKWING been invited to Planet radio held at UNIMAS.

supposely we depart from campus 7am... scraed later on have Traffic Jam..

i wake up at around 5am.....
my fren and i went there with her car. we didnt follow LIMKOKWING van...

when we reach LIMKOKWING, no one at campus..... almost 7am....

when we reach there, no parking... there's parking... but some have reserved for there stuff...
and the campus is big.... we turn here and there.... 360 degree we turn ..cant imagine right??

when we reach there, we have to find the building....
we almost get lost....
luckily our LIMKOKWING not that big like UNIMAS....
so far... everywhere have to walk... what to do... lolx...

if am sutdy there, i must have atleast 1 umbrella.... IS A COMPULSORY!!!!!
even guy also caring umbrella....

ok.. lets talk about the event....
erm.. is nice... but... my ren, mack he manage to sleep... can u imagine???
i manage to see some DJ....
i also saw hitz.FM club hitz mixer, SKELETON...

i went there i've alot of things...
become DJ, not only u must have your background are MASS COMM...
even hotel management ,  chef, and etc.

become DJ, u must have the patient, and also interest. and good at talking!

becoming a DJ u must get ready facing the challenges..
like.... morning DJ, if u on air by 6am, u have to wake up at 4.30am, and u must reach studio by 5.30am... wooow....... 
is real... not joking at all....

and if ur stuff aka another DJ, cant come u have to replace them... see....

3rd... yeah... is 3rd...
if u broke up with ur bf, or some1 scold u, or ur family just passed away,
the feeling or emotion cant disturb u....
u have to smiling infront of the microphone
is like nothing happen at all...

i think i better dont talk so much... better upload some photo...

Friday, October 21, 2011

my last design using PS, Illus, In Design

here u go... my self web page design promotion.
 my 1st & 2nd web page....

my 3rd & 4th web page design....

doing this web design......
i've wasted more than 6 hours..... 
cant believe right????? 

this would br my last design for Design Study 2 subject.... 
so... thats mean no class already.... :'( 
i mss it though....
now.. have to wait until sem6 then we will start using Photoshop, Illustrator & In Design software..
good luck for myself... 

3rd quotes


Thursday, October 20, 2011

self web page design promotion...

i have done very own self web page design.....

im doing it for 6 hours.....  not including my break time..... :D


i get some trouble when doing my web page...espically the illustrator....
stuck in the process.... hang up in the process..... mcm mcm hal ada tu...... u know lah.....
luckily Thank God my artwork still save and sound... hahahahaaaa......
but... is tired though....... haizzzzzz.... :D

wanna see my design picture??? wait ya....
stay tune  tomorrow i upload after i submit it.........
now wanna sleep.... ZZZzzzzz.... tired and back pain and feeling dizzy....
alots of virus coming out right nw... :D

Good Night.. sweet dreams......
my eye for this morning : O.O
now: =.=
O.O  and  =.=
see any diffrences???

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

new self web-page design

i was thinking..... how am i going to design my very own self web design...... thinking thinking... sighhh... saw my friends one.....OMG..... damn freaking niceeeeee....................

here are the picture...

here u go..... nice right???
omg... i wanna do something pink... and etc... can't say it at here... later people hear.... :D
just be patient ya..... after done... chun chun, then i upload at here... :D

Monday, October 17, 2011

Never Ever Had...

today class lesson was.... did u never ever had..........
each of my classmate have to tell at least 1 of them........
so...some gives :
- i never ever reach ot cant reach Mount Kinabalu...... @ Sabah...

then.... when it's come to me.... mine was....
- i never ever had ice-skatting.....
all my classmate didn't raise up their hand.... 13 people... including me and my lecturer... LMAO...:D
thats mean all of us never ever had ice-skatting... wooow... O.O

then lastly was my lecturer..... you know what he said??????????

i never ever and never ever ever ever watch : PORNOGRAPHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the hole class was like laughing at each other........
me & belynda raise up hand we tot tat was the didnt watch pornography.....

then the lecturer asking me.... i was like HUHHH?????
so blurr lahhh..... hehehheeee.....

malu ehhh........

then when tutorial class,
we're asking to write one TV drama.... so we divide into 2 group/.... 6 person in 1 group...
thinking our story never ending... cause u have to think the introduction part..... the ending part..... the climax part... bla bla bla so on... and u have to think the location we going to shooting.... the person we're going to choose...... i mean the actor or actress.....

so my new known fren... named: derek...
i told him my story.... then he's look like kind of abit boring... O.O

atleast i get the feedback.... LOL....

i thinking again.... should i change again my script ????


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Beats by Dr. Dre

beats by Dr. Dre.

i wanna that headphone.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beats™ Solo™ High Performance On-Ear Headphones with ControlTalk™
The music you listen to in your headphones should capture all the sonic details the artist wanted you to hear. But normal headphones can’t deliver the rich, full sound in today’s digital audio tracks, especially not smaller, lightweight headphones. But Solos high performance headphones, which are designed for today’s active lifestyles, deliver sound so real, you’ll be amazed it’s all coming from something so compact and portable.
so...... u want it?????? XD 

For More Information log on to : 

Korean Celebs Healthy Diet Plan....

do u ever jealous of your Favorite Korean celebs body size.... doesnt matter guys or girls....

for me, i also jealous their body... epically the girls.... i wishing i have their body size and shape as well... although i have the body shape, but....... i had grown weight....... OOoooppsss...[tedah..] XD

Finally, i had found 1 website i found is all about i mean several Korean POP STAR healthy diet plan.....
i cant write everything here...

but... i dont wanna too lazy, let me choose the 1 i admire... :D

Yoon Eun Hye’s Diet

The actress’s daily calorie intake is 1,600 Kcal. And her diet plan is...
Morning: rice 170 g, dried pollack bean spout soup, steamed eggs, seasoned sesame leaves, corn salad, kimchi
Lunch: rice 170 g, crab soup, sweet potato sprouts, three colored cold salad, boiled kidney beans, kimchi
Snack: 1/2 bag of puffed corn cookies, cherry tomatoes 200g
Dinner: rice 170 g, mushroom stew, roasted herring with salt, stir-fried butterbur, bean sprouts, kimchi
Snack: 10~20 strawberries

Girl's Generation

Their daily calorie intake is 1500 Kcal. Their diet plan consists of 50g herbs, 5 pieces of broccoli, 150g brown rice, 100g chicken breast.

Chang Min’s Diet
His diet plan is:
Morning: multi-vitamin, 1 mid-sized sweet potato, low-fat milk, 1 full egg, 2 egg whites
Lunch: 1 chicken breast, 1 mid-sized sweet potato, salad without dressing
Snack: 4 egg whites, 1/2 sweet potato
Dinner: 1 chicken breast OR 7 egg whites (when unbearably starving, add a salad)
After workout: 1/2 apple, 15 minutes later 1 scoop of protein

Wheesung’s Deadly Diet – Lost 7kg in 3 weeks
On Feb. 16th, Wheesung revealed on his secret diet plan that helped him lose 7 kg within 3 weeks on his twitter. Along with a sizzling photo of his six pack, the diet plan that he unveiled, nicknamed the “deadly diet,” started becoming popular. He usually ate smoked chicken breasts and salads without dressing and when he was unbearably hungry, he ate a couple of almonds instead of cookies. Also, in order to maintain a nutritional balance, he took vitamins separately and also drank about twice amount of water than he normally would.

For More Information, go to this link...

Quote of the day I








Friday, October 14, 2011

Quotes of the day..

I know there's no way to get back to where we were.

But, you are the reason behind my every smile, love. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

KL trip.

the day i step into KL land, it was rainny day... wooow.... i was thinking maybe have to cancel the shopping trip later on...
from KLIA to city normally took us around 1 hours.... but....this time was traffic jam.... and the worst part is the bus driver not even know the road.... WTH...... cause we living pudu area hotel... the road damn busy... also near by the sungai wang & berjaya times square ... after reach hotel, i feel like wanna sleep for awhile... my hole body feeling so tired... :((

i wanna took bath, suddenly Florence brother asking us wanna go have lunch?? so we had on down to Lobby, then bad luck is.... HEAVY RAIN...... so.. we have to take TAXI.... too bad no taxi for us... there;s a van for us, just only 4 of us... lastly 1 chinese guy recommended us to took 1 camry car... from our hotel to berjaya times square just only rm10... so... lastly we sit camry car ... woooow.... what a special service.. :D

when we get there, we go to the food court.... the food court is special... before u get inside or step inside, u have to buy 1 card... is like u buy reload card... just for rm30.... after u buy that card, then u go whatever the stall u wanna buy the food, then they will deducted the money... :) i was thinking what if 2 person eating.??? heheheheeee... am not sure whether the money can finish or nt.... :D

2nd day.... we went to MELILEA HQ office gran opening..... it took us 1 hole day... so damn tired day overall....... i just sit down.. only... suddenly they say if u walk the melilea 12 staircase u will get mistery gift..... 1st was the spoon stuff..... next is the toiletries bag... my mum say she want... not bad too..., florence, and rebecca walk from 1st floor to 12 floor... actually not 12 floor... is more than 12 floor... if not mistaken.......... atleast 14 floor.... HUAT lahhh... i walk 14 floor..using staircase........ i break the record lahhhhh..... is very tired........ heheheee....... i wanna give up half way.... but... lastly i walk untill finish lahhh.... :)
after that we went to another hotel... the hotel we're going to stay was : mandrin Pacific hotel...
the name for the hotel soo nice.. but... went we reach tat hotel........ wooow... just only 2 star hotel only....
okok lahh...the room... the AC can't control it at all...... soo cold... what to do... just be patient..... luckily just staying for 1 night only.... then the next day we moving to MELAKA... we go to A FAMOSA.... the place was nice... not bad... we stay 1 hotel... the name: A' FAMOSA condo hotel... look liek apartment... can stay up to 6 people... 3 room, 2 people in 1 room. total up is 6 people..... not bad lahhh.... some of our people say they hear something.... wooow... luckily i didnt hear anything at all..... :) after close the light i close my eye.... cause sooo damn tired....

the next day just see the show... tiger feeding.... elephant show.... wild wild west show.... like that..then we waiting for the bus to bring us to KLIA.....

although i didnt took much picture.... is quite sad.... :( but... the picture will be as my memory in my mind....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Home sweet home...

just coming back  from KL.... really damn tired..... Huat lahhh...caught in the bad flu..... shit..... sighhh... yesterday morning having flu...

sitting down inside the plane.... my sit just near the wings.... wooow... it's gonna hurt my ear...

on the way back from Kl toKch.... my ear soooo pain me... and im still having flu here....

on the journey ...inside the plane, the voice sooooo damn hurting my ear.... maybe is because my flu..... i keep on eating sweet, also no use at all......

luckily finally back home... my ear not that hurt anymore.....
u guys must asking how was my trip to KL right????

for me......  okok la.......  im soooo surprise i spend not that much... compare to my previous trip to KL...
this time i just spend on the shoe... i bought slipper for just RM29.90... surprise or nt????

compare previous one... i spend up untill rm500... just for mine only.. haven't add up any  F&B stuff....
in the next article im going to telling step by step my trip ...... stay tune... ...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

new look...

sorry.. XD
just updated my blog.....

this friday am going to Ausssie..... :D

cant wait.... im stil havent pack my stuff...

once walk home from campus this afternoon.

feels that i have done submit my assignment....
am not sure how my lecturer going to see it.... blurrr bahhh.. LOL...

haix... nt good at Ps ..... heheheeee.....

atleast i have try... :)

right nw, am feeling sooooo sick....
 i told my mum i feeling so sick...

mum's reaction:

what?? almost going to Aussie, u already sick... thats mean the virus asking u dont going to vacation..


luckily tomorrow no class at all... wanna pack my stuff already


rest myself....

for those read my blog,


take care ofyourself.... weather changes....... be careful and watch out.. for those who have sick....

make sure bring wet tissue or bring with u any Instant Hand Sanitizer....

cleans the VIRUS.......

see ya...

have a nice day..
♥ u all.. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Old Pals....

just now i was facebooking, suddenly got people chat with me.... is my old pals..... high school pals... wendy, ephraim.. they are my fav fren when im in form 4 & 5.... wendy yeo sitting just right next to me... and ephraim sitting behind and the next table...... we are funny in class... LOL....

last year me, wendy, & ephraim, 3 of us went out together... so funny that time.... suddenly wendy said she asking us wanna going out againb.. why not??? fun bahhhh.. and also miss them too... is hardly meet them too.. me study, wendy are teacher.. ephraim also study... hardly spend time together going out... pity ephraim just he are alone... sorry ya... hope u dont mind ya..... :D

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Death note...

this afternoon, i was doing my assignment.... this time we not going to edit any motorbike or any other stuff....
we are using photoshop. wooow... sound very fun.. yes.. it is very fun...

our assignment was asking us to create 1 poster... i choose 1 poster... are death note.....

i also why am choosing death note movie poster..... heheheheeee...... maybe i love it?? depends... :D

here are my poster... comment it ya.... im nt a good user of using photoshop.... im just a starter.....
am serious... am just a starter using photoshop.... am not that pro...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

chinese people doesn't knw how to speak english well???

i was like sooo pissed off when someone saying this :

Chinese People Doesn't good at speaking English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

will u[ chinese people] gone mad????? so do i......... is a malay girl saying that....
during her presentation, she talk about newspaper, suddenly, she saying 1 word, chinese people doesnt good at english... and including 1 vocabulary part..... F**K.. so... thats mean that u good at speaking english???

HOW GOOD U ARE????????????????
how PROFESSIONAL u are???????
i doesn't see that at all.......

if i can sue u, of course i wanna sue u for saying this........ [in newspaper]
im really soooo pissed off with that words...[ chinese people can't speak good english]

if your english is good.... then why u coming to LIMKOKWING????????
instead of, study aboard....

am sure u can't doing that cause u can affort to pay that ammount....

am not stupid at all..... no one stupid in this world..... just your mind thinks that u are the best......
HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just make sure u think before u saying it out...... if might effect people feeling.....
and some1 who is a blogger, and family related to Sarawak T.Y.T family.....

angry. . . .. . . . .

today, suppose to be my exam & weekly presentation for my intro to advertising subject.

im just dunno why suddenly sem2 student having their presentation with us too... so... lastly end up around 1 hour 15 minutes.... and mack group start first...then following to azreen group.... then my lecturer saw the time was like almost 12pm... then she let us have a lunch... so my group will present next week.... i was like WTF... sorry ya... i was soo damn nervous... suddenly they say no presentation...change it to next week.... so do as the exam.. i learn so hard...... and went into the class, 1 of my classmate told me, "Adelyn, no exam today..." i was like SHIT......... that time i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo damnnnnnnnnnn pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously.... i was learning the chapter... keep on memorizing......


it's worth over all.... atleast i've read...... heheheeee......

Filem negara.

yesterday[26-9-2011]  me and my classmate from mass communication semester 3, all of us have a site visit to Filem Negara Sarawak. once we reach there, we were get a warm welcoming from the Head Director and also the assistant too.. once reach there, we are asking to go 1 room.... auditorium... big... not that big.. still okok only... medium... and also have kinds of weird smell of that room.... heheheee.. sorry ya... but is cold..... fuhh....

once done with the welcoming speech, then they introduce us who is this and that ... and also showing us some video too...

lastly they bring us to 1 big and huge Auditotium... I've forget the name for that room... sorry ya.... heheheee..
then he showing us this and that.. woow.. big..can fit untill not more than 1K people.... nice...

and we went down stair again to showing us the most important room...
that room where all the Camera, audio, editor and so on everything is there.... syiokkkk... heheheeee

lastly, we went to bilik tetamu, also known as Guest Room. we went there have some drinks and some break.
wooow.... once we step in some of my friends say: selamat hari raya.. hehheeeee........
its look like a house..... and awesome room.... and lastly before we leave the guest room, all of us get some little gift from them... just only.... tuttt tutttt... can't say at here...... heheheee....

here are some of the picture.....
 this was the machine is to create the image, sound and the arrangement of the movie, or tv show.
 this was the guest room. look like home right????
 took the last picture before leaving the Filem Negara building.
 explaining the function for the both camera...
F.Y.I, both of this camera costly around RM1 Billion.. am not joking at all... 
u can buy 1 house.....
 taking the photo with the camera.... fail...
 this was the first Auditorium
 my friends.. possing with the most expensive camera...
 sorry... just ignore the guy.... these are the making sound... tv, drama, arrangement and so on
 the group photo with the camera..PASS...

receiving some little gift from the director..... thanks... hehehee... a bit ugly..... dunno where to look at which camera.... a lot camera.. heheheheee...sorry ya... 

so... thats all for my report from Filem Negara..... any comment? just comment it ... i dont mind... :D

Sunday, September 25, 2011

MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, Mommy.

I'm your baby. You don't know me yet, I'm only a few weeks old. You're going to find out about me soon, though, I promise. Let me tell you some things about me. My name is John, and I've got beautiful brown eyes and black hair. Well, I don't have it yet, but I will when I'm born. I'm going to be your only child, and you'll call me your one and only. I'm going to grow up without a daddy mostly, but we have each other. We'll help each other, and love each other. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.

You found out about me today, Mommy! You were so excited, you couldn't wait to tell everyone. All you could do all day was smile, and life was perfect. You have a beautiful smile, Mommy. It will be the first face I will see in my life, and it will be the best thing I see in my life. I know it already.
... ...
Today was the day you told Daddy. You were so excited to tell him about me! ...He wasn't happy, Mommy. He kind of got angry. I don't think that you noticed, but he did. He started to talk about something called wedlock, and money, and bills, and stuff I don't think I understand yet. You were still happy, though, so it was okay. Then he did something scary, Mommy. He hit you. I could feel you fall backward, and your hands flying up to protect me. I was okay... but I was very sad for you. You were crying then, Mommy. That's a sound I don't like. It doesn't make me feel good. It made me cry, too. He said sorry after, and he hugged you again. You forgave him, Mommy, but I'm not sure if I do. It wasn't right. You say he loves you... why would he hurt you? I don't like it, Mommy.

Finally, you can see me! Your stomach is a little bit bigger, and you're so proud of me! You went out with your mommy to buy new clothes, and you were so so so happy. You sing to me, too. You have the most beautiful voice in the whole wide world. When you sing is when I'm happiest. And you talk to me, and I feel safe. So safe. You just wait and see, Mommy. When I am born I will be perfect just for you. I will make you proud, and I will love you with all of my heart.

I can move my hands and feet now, Mommy. I do it because you put your hands on your belly to feel me, and I giggle. You giggle, too. I love you, Mommy.

Daddy came to see you today, Mommy. I got really scared. He was acting funny and he wasn't talking right. He said he didn't want you. I don't know why, but that's what he said. And he hit you again. I got angry, Mommy. When I grow up I promise I won't let you get hurt! I promise to protect you. Daddy is bad. I don't care if you think that he is a good person, I think he's bad. But he hit you, and he said he didn't want us. He doesn't like me. Why doesn't he like me, Mommy?

You didn't talk to me tonight, Mommy. Is everything okay?

It's been three days since you saw Daddy. You haven't talked to me or touched me or anything since that. Don't you still love me, Mommy? I still love you. I think you feel sad. The only time I feel you is when you sleep. You sleep funny, kind of curled up on your side. And you hug me with your arms, and I feel safe and warm again. Why don't you do that when you're awake, any more?

I'm 21 weeks old today, Mommy. Aren't you proud of me? We're going somewhere today, and it's somewhere new. I'm excited. It looks like a hospital, too. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, Mommy. Did I tell you that? I hope you're as excited as I am. I can't wait.

...Mommy, I'm getting scared. Your heart is still beating, but I don't know what you are thinking. The doctor is talking to you. I think something's going to happen soon. I'm really, really, really scared, Mommy. Please tell me you love me. Then I will feel safe again. I love you!

Mommy, what are they doing to me!? It hurts! Please make them stop! It feels bad! Please, Mommy, please please help me! Make them stop!

Don't worry Mommy, I'm safe. I'm in heaven with the angels now. They told me what you did, and they said it's called an abortion.

Why, Mommy? Why did you do it? Don't you love me any more? Why did you get rid of me? I'm really, really, really sorry if I did something wrong, Mommy. I love you, Mommy! I love you with all of my heart. Why don't you love me? What did I do to deserve what they did to me? I want to live, Mommy! Please! It really, really hurts to see you not care about me, and not talk to me. Didn't I love you enough? Please say you'll keep me, Mommy! I want to live smile and watch the clouds and see your face and grow up and be a doctor. I don't want to be here, I want you to love me again! I'm really really really sorry if I did something wrong. I love you!

I love you, Mommy.

Every abortion is just…

One more heart that was stopped.

Two more eyes that will never see.

Two more hands that will never touch.

Two more legs that will never run.

One more mouth that will never speak

Saturday, September 24, 2011

KL. . . . .

just coming back from Boulevard..... buy some tissue paper.... hair clip... thats all.....
sooner i will leaving Kuching...

aww...... ehehheheheheeee.........

i shouldn't know that should i bring my kitty????
cause if am going there, she can't fit in my beg....

aww... am soooo sorry kitty..... hope u dont cry ya..... i will buy gift for u... kiss kiss....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

♥ ♥ ♥ Hello Kitty ♥ ♥ ♥

all these picture i took with my phone.. trust me.... with the 2nd photo...  :D
Hello Kitty...
she's part of my life... she live with me for more than 7 years... i get it from McD....
that time im still young.:)
im feel glad that, i have her in my life.... she's cute...:D
every time i sleep, i hug her, 
when im sad, i share with her.... 
sometime i also spend time with her..... 
when im sad scold by my mum, i will hug her...shee her face, then it will make me smile.... i love her....
i know she's cute... :D
i will never give someone my kitty.... me and her never leave each other....... we always stick each other... no matter what... although i married, im still bring my ♥kitty with me...
♥ kitty she's part of my life...... :)

i ♥ u kitty... :))

new photo

today in my DESIGN STUDY 2 class, i was quite happy that i can catch up........

here are the some picture i do it...

here u go....... i edit with adobe photoshop.... i adie TVXQ... nice ehhh... like i edit the "death note" same right?? am not sure..... 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gotcha Call

guess what?? hitz.Fm get Gotcha by our Malaysian Prime Minister..... woooow.....
 before i show u the link for the video, wanna give u guys some link for this....

check this out link.....

damn funny.. can't stop watching at all..i have watch it for 10 times...repeat non stop... GOSH....

JJ&EAN, u are the best DJ EVER!!!!!!!!!

i'm fully respect both of you.... if i have the chance, me [adelyn yuko] wanna meet u guys... :D

here u go... link for the Hitz.Fm youtube.... when u visit the page, u will see it... just click play..thats all...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday day.... :)(

guess what???

today[sunday] i was cooking the rice .... i meaning cooking rice... yes!!!!!
im cooking rice... is real.... here are the picture... after 20 years time, im actually cooking.... rice.... not others food at all..

what lahhhh!!!!!!! :D

i also can't believe that actually am cooking... hahahahahhaaaaa.....

alot things making me became history.... driving.. after like 10 months or almost 1 years didnt drive since my school resume
or start... just assignment, presentation, and etc just making me gone crazy.... hell yes....

and... guess what??? today me and my bf just talk to each others.. i was start to reading.. he play with teddy bear...... suddenly ....

phone ringing.... his fren call him... told him that the car battery just went off like that....

i was like ....... shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry,.... for saying those word.... as a blogger.... :D dont mind me at all...

his fren called him....and ask him for helping.... my bf told him that, he shouldn't just seek for my bf...
look for some1 else.... must be mature.....  but i hear all the conversation.... but... it makes sense though.......   :))

when u in trouble, just dont too depends that person.... just look for more than 1 person... maybe they might help.....
yeahh.. its true........  just be more independent.... mature....

is like facebook, my fren list have thousand friends.. but... i just chat with less than 5 person.....
whats the point for more friends in your fb fren list.... like 3000++ fren in ur fb list... just less than 5 person u contact or chat,

then suddenly his fren called my bf again...then my bf took some1 car and go recharge the battery...

my feeling still okay that time.... time pass by.... im getting soo damn hell worried about my bf....
i was looking the time...


time just pass like that, and i was thinking why my bf still havent came back home...
my heart cant even focus well for my reading.... cant even think another things else...... just his soul came into me....
i was waiting him like wife waiting husband coming back home from work.. sitting down at living room...
same goes to me.... im waiting for him......

i was walk here and there...... go here and there..... see this and that.... can't even read at all...... oohhh gosh...

suddenly his fren coming back home..... and he not come back home at all... i was about to cry.....
then i went into the room start to sitting down, and ...

tears drops to my check...... :'(

the tears cant stop dropping down.....non stop droping..... i cry........ yes.... i cry...
i went to the gate there looking for him... didnt saw him at alll.... didnt saw the car he drove.... my heart starting feeling bad.... is like something gonna happen..... my heart feel bad.. beat soo fast... am feeling week.... am sick...... WHERE R U ??????????????? i need u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
getting more worried him like hell...... and i continue cry...... walking here and there....... worried here and there.... and keep on pray for GOD.....
tears still dropping ....
suddenly i hear some1 close the door, i think it must be him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then i faster stop cry and rubbing my tears coming out from my eye to check...
he came in....
and i just pretend flip the book....
he look at me... i just cant smile at all and i didnt look at him... u know when that person cry, the eye must red...
my eye, nose, & even my lips are red.... suddenly i look at him... he asking "me what happen?"
i cry........... CAN'T HOLD THAT EMOTION AT ALL!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i ask him close the door, and i hug him [very tight....]
i just continue cry...the tears non stop dropping from my eye to check....

i told him: "u know how much am worried about u???? im worried u damn much.... im worried something gonna happen... i'm happy and glad that u came back home.... but.... im still worried and sad what if i didnt see u anymore??? "

in JESUS NAME I PRAY..THANK GOD... i saw and hugging the real STEPHEN DYKE....... not his soul coming back.... is the real person......
the guy am hugging him right now.... ohh gosh.... ......

AMEN..... God, don't take away my bf from me.. i need him in my life....

that tears coming out from my eye is showing that how much u love that person..worried him until u can cry for him..... u can't focus any other stuff at all... just his soul come into u....  i love him..... :)

although me and him love each other, but.... i cry because i'm worried him. i afraid i cant see him anymore.... and i cry.....
it shows that how much i love him more than that..... my love for him are deep.... deeper like uncountable...

 the moment i wrote this, i cry too... just tears coming out, my mind also cry...thats all....

i love u......

thats the reason why my title have 2 kinds of faces... :)(

from: Adelyn Y Law

LIMKOKWING cyberjaya walk through......

wanna see more details about our LIMKOKWING campus????????

check this link!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


hmmm... exam exam exam..... this word never end from my life...untill the day i get married... then it will stop... heheheheheheheeee................... day dreaming.... LOL...

guess wat????
Wednesday am driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

am driving lahhh....

who teach me driving? of course my guy... he teach me driving in busy road.. but not soo busy...
ohh goshh hell.. i cant believe i driving....

Thursday, September 15, 2011



my friends know that am a BLOGGER!!!!!!

wooow........ i was like soo surprise ...... i ask her back how u knw im a Blogger?
she saw my picture about LKW then she saw my name... and.... she click the link then she saw my blog...
am sure alot people knw my blog already.. goshh.. :D

so....... ............... ...........

Adelyn Y Law is a Blogger.... :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

tomorrow.... the day.....

LOL... nth much... just having exam... i mean mid-term exam...tuesday might be having presentation.....
i must do it well..... dont let myself dont for this sem..... i wanna work hard for myself..... fighting!!!!!!!!!

yeah.... heheheee..... haix.... stay and lock myself inside my room,.... doing some reading...... lol....
how come i can wrote smth in my blog.....

my house phone cant stop ringing...... is like doing big business... LMAO...... hehehee....

haix... so damn boring at home..... cant going out... stick with exam....assignments..... haix.... faster graduate lahhhh... hahahaaahahaa.... i need go for my internship first.... im really not knwing whr i wanna go for my internship....NO IDEA at all.... melilea be their public relations??? hahahaaa...

tension i nak pikir....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

隋棠来古晋!!!!!!!!!! Sonia Sui in Kuching! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

believe it or not?????? 

隋棠来古晋! Sonia Sui in Kuching!!!!!!! 

yeahhh.... sonia sui came to Kuching.... and...... alot of people came to Hills Shopping mall because of her.. woooow.....

she slim............ tall.......OMG...... im soo proud can meet her........


i dont have to squeeze with others people who came and see her...... nice huhh???? heheheee

here are some picture i took.... :D