Tuesday, December 6, 2011


its been long time didnt wrote anything on my blog.... these few days just been busy..... final weeks.... had some arguements with my own classmate.... WAR..... syiokkkk.....

right now....holiday month,.......

just working.... working......

is my 1st job... as part time job..... quiet tired dohhh.....
never been that tired before... stand, sit, sleepy.... haix...mcm mcm...

my co-worker, her name: Nurul.... she's fun though...funny...when our boss leave us, me and her just kidding around.... fooling around... kinda fun.... hehehehheeeeee.......

working at bakery shop is fun...always see good, delicious food... feels hungry all the time... LOL...
holding knife..... do sandwhich.... which my customer will buy it... peel,cut the fruits... :D

heheheee.... new experience

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