Tuesday, September 27, 2011

angry. . . .. . . . .

today, suppose to be my exam & weekly presentation for my intro to advertising subject.

im just dunno why suddenly sem2 student having their presentation with us too... so... lastly end up around 1 hour 15 minutes.... and mack group start first...then following to azreen group.... then my lecturer saw the time was like almost 12pm... then she let us have a lunch... so my group will present next week.... i was like WTF... sorry ya... i was soo damn nervous... suddenly they say no presentation...change it to next week.... so do as the exam.. i learn so hard...... and went into the class, 1 of my classmate told me, "Adelyn, no exam today..." i was like SHIT......... that time i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo damnnnnnnnnnn pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously.... i was learning the chapter... keep on memorizing......


it's worth over all.... atleast i've read...... heheheeee......

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