Thursday, October 20, 2011

self web page design promotion...

i have done very own self web page design.....

im doing it for 6 hours.....  not including my break time..... :D


i get some trouble when doing my web page...espically the illustrator....
stuck in the process.... hang up in the process..... mcm mcm hal ada tu...... u know lah.....
luckily Thank God my artwork still save and sound... hahahahaaaa......
but... is tired though....... haizzzzzz.... :D

wanna see my design picture??? wait ya....
stay tune  tomorrow i upload after i submit it.........
now wanna sleep.... ZZZzzzzz.... tired and back pain and feeling dizzy....
alots of virus coming out right nw... :D

Good Night.. sweet dreams......
my eye for this morning : O.O
now: =.=
O.O  and  =.=
see any diffrences???

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