Sunday, October 2, 2011

Old Pals....

just now i was facebooking, suddenly got people chat with me.... is my old pals..... high school pals... wendy, ephraim.. they are my fav fren when im in form 4 & 5.... wendy yeo sitting just right next to me... and ephraim sitting behind and the next table...... we are funny in class... LOL....

last year me, wendy, & ephraim, 3 of us went out together... so funny that time.... suddenly wendy said she asking us wanna going out againb.. why not??? fun bahhhh.. and also miss them too... is hardly meet them too.. me study, wendy are teacher.. ephraim also study... hardly spend time together going out... pity ephraim just he are alone... sorry ya... hope u dont mind ya..... :D

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