Sunday, December 18, 2011

off day..sick....

supposely yesterday to be my off day... suddenly.... i fall sick.... sore throat....
parents off to Thailand.... no 1 look after me... only my brother...
if i can drive, i wouldnt being trouble to him... i drive myself go to hospital.....

im just being so kinds of weird... my brother suddenly being treat me soo nice...extremely nice...
before this just "beh song" to each other.... i'm kinda surprise....
but is nice though... i wishing every single day would be like this...

supposely today am not off, suddenly yesterday i fall sick.... sore throat, flu....
tomorrow i have to work cause my Co-worker off.... so... i wish i can be patient...
sighhh... hopefully that tomorrow can see Icing Boy... he's only my Dr.... :D

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