Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday day.... :)(

guess what???

today[sunday] i was cooking the rice .... i meaning cooking rice... yes!!!!!
im cooking rice... is real.... here are the picture... after 20 years time, im actually cooking.... rice.... not others food at all..

what lahhhh!!!!!!! :D

i also can't believe that actually am cooking... hahahahahhaaaaa.....

alot things making me became history.... driving.. after like 10 months or almost 1 years didnt drive since my school resume
or start... just assignment, presentation, and etc just making me gone crazy.... hell yes....

and... guess what??? today me and my bf just talk to each others.. i was start to reading.. he play with teddy bear...... suddenly ....

phone ringing.... his fren call him... told him that the car battery just went off like that....

i was like ....... shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry,.... for saying those word.... as a blogger.... :D dont mind me at all...

his fren called him....and ask him for helping.... my bf told him that, he shouldn't just seek for my bf...
look for some1 else.... must be mature.....  but i hear all the conversation.... but... it makes sense though.......   :))

when u in trouble, just dont too depends that person.... just look for more than 1 person... maybe they might help.....
yeahh.. its true........  just be more independent.... mature....

is like facebook, my fren list have thousand friends.. but... i just chat with less than 5 person.....
whats the point for more friends in your fb fren list.... like 3000++ fren in ur fb list... just less than 5 person u contact or chat,

then suddenly his fren called my bf again...then my bf took some1 car and go recharge the battery...

my feeling still okay that time.... time pass by.... im getting soo damn hell worried about my bf....
i was looking the time...


time just pass like that, and i was thinking why my bf still havent came back home...
my heart cant even focus well for my reading.... cant even think another things else...... just his soul came into me....
i was waiting him like wife waiting husband coming back home from work.. sitting down at living room...
same goes to me.... im waiting for him......

i was walk here and there...... go here and there..... see this and that.... can't even read at all...... oohhh gosh...

suddenly his fren coming back home..... and he not come back home at all... i was about to cry.....
then i went into the room start to sitting down, and ...

tears drops to my check...... :'(

the tears cant stop dropping down.....non stop droping..... i cry........ yes.... i cry...
i went to the gate there looking for him... didnt saw him at alll.... didnt saw the car he drove.... my heart starting feeling bad.... is like something gonna happen..... my heart feel bad.. beat soo fast... am feeling week.... am sick...... WHERE R U ??????????????? i need u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
getting more worried him like hell...... and i continue cry...... walking here and there....... worried here and there.... and keep on pray for GOD.....
tears still dropping ....
suddenly i hear some1 close the door, i think it must be him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then i faster stop cry and rubbing my tears coming out from my eye to check...
he came in....
and i just pretend flip the book....
he look at me... i just cant smile at all and i didnt look at him... u know when that person cry, the eye must red...
my eye, nose, & even my lips are red.... suddenly i look at him... he asking "me what happen?"
i cry........... CAN'T HOLD THAT EMOTION AT ALL!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i ask him close the door, and i hug him [very tight....]
i just continue cry...the tears non stop dropping from my eye to check....

i told him: "u know how much am worried about u???? im worried u damn much.... im worried something gonna happen... i'm happy and glad that u came back home.... but.... im still worried and sad what if i didnt see u anymore??? "

in JESUS NAME I PRAY..THANK GOD... i saw and hugging the real STEPHEN DYKE....... not his soul coming back.... is the real person......
the guy am hugging him right now.... ohh gosh.... ......

AMEN..... God, don't take away my bf from me.. i need him in my life....

that tears coming out from my eye is showing that how much u love that person..worried him until u can cry for him..... u can't focus any other stuff at all... just his soul come into u....  i love him..... :)

although me and him love each other, but.... i cry because i'm worried him. i afraid i cant see him anymore.... and i cry.....
it shows that how much i love him more than that..... my love for him are deep.... deeper like uncountable...

 the moment i wrote this, i cry too... just tears coming out, my mind also cry...thats all....

i love u......

thats the reason why my title have 2 kinds of faces... :)(

from: Adelyn Y Law


  1. My angel am very sorry ok i should have called you to let you know that am fine where i am but since i left you home cooking and reading i felt that you r very OK like i told you some friends ask me to stay like maybe 5 or 10 minutes i said no cause my angel is at home i need to go cause she might be worried that am not yet back while the person i help is back home and am not yet home not knowing that your r crying at home cause of me am so so sorry OK I LOVE YOU MY ANGEL <3 <3 <3

  2. its ok my love.... already pass..... :)

  3. You r my every thing my angel one in a million, let me make dis poem for you my angel.......if could hold d rain i will hold every rain dat falls down to d earth for you my angel if i could touch d moon i will bring it closer for you my angel so will we light up our hearts n make d stars out design light,if i could turn back d hands of time i will make it dat am d first n d last guy u will ever know in ur life my angel,do u no y i called u my angel cuz i prayed to have you n GOD sent u to me d perfect n tender hear-ted angel d one who will love me for who i am n nt wat i am if u whr a rose i will plant u in my heart nt in my garden if u whr a bird flying i will free you n nt cage u,u r d reason y i could fall in love when i set my eye on you my angel i feel am under a spell n if datz d kind of spell i am under which is d spell of love den i will chose to remain n die in dat spell cuz u save me from all d spell dat would have killed me my angel my heart my love my desire my soul my all n all is for you my angel I LOVE YOU.....CUZ I WILL NEVER EVER STOP LOVING YOU....CUZ DATZ PART OF MY DESTINY LOVING YOU MY ANGEL...<3 :)
