Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hello 2012.. bye 2011...

woooow.. times flies very deeply fast... all the year i have been through.. all the good and bad things i have gone through... i've meet diffrents kinds of people. how they treat me, how they look at me... all i have seen it very well...

welcome to 2012... i have make myself to achieve goal... next year [2013], me; Jesselde will be graduate from LIMKOKWING UNIVERSITY OF CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY. in Diploma in Mass Communication. i must study hard this year in sem4,5 and 6. i wouldnt let my parents down same goes to my family. they support me all the way in my University life. i appreciate it alot.. thanks. :)

the brand new year must have my brand new resolution about myself...
lets talk about my new year resolution... hermm... for the truth, i havent think of any new year resolution.
i've think of some... there are....

Jesselde 2012 resolution:
  • study hard, play hard, work hard!!!
  • achieve my dream goal..
  • if i got my own bf, loyalty to him.
  • listen to parents.
  • driving... get a car..... [COMPULSORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
thats my new year resolution... 
although i didnt target kind of very big, but... i target from small to big dream...
finger crossing, everything will gone perfectly nice and beautiful in 2012.


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