Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dragon Year 2012..


Happy Chinese New Year...2012... bye bye year of Rabbit.. Hello Dragon Year.. :D
tomorrow will be the busy day for me... helping in the kitchen... tomorrow will be the CNY eve... in the night, family busy cooking, in the midnight, 12am, Fire craker will start showing.. it will be the exciting night ever... heheheeee... okok la... 
everything gone smoothly... just that some of my family gone for holiday.... sighhh...
but it doesnt effected my mood at all... im still wanna get my Ang Pao... my salary, and also my Ang Pao money will put at my Hong Leong Bank... im wanna open new Account at there.. so that i can get my Hello Kitty Card,... huhuhuu... cant wait for that day to come... hahahahahaaa....

last but not least....

wishing you all:

Happy Chinese New Year Eve!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Up Coming CNY 2012. . .

wat???? today is Thursday???? OH MY LORD.......
seriously i didnt know at all... all i know is..counting down to my resume school time....
by the end of January, result will be out at student portal... nice... i not ready to look at my result...
haixx... wooow... 2 more days to go... then CNY... i havent gotten any ready yet... all i know is... smile.. and get my angpow... hehehee.... this time CNY, my relatives go for travelling...
my uncle gone for Thailand... my cousin been to Taiwan.. lastly my brother went to KL... me want toooo!!!!!!!!!!!
tired CNY at home... cleaning... all those stuff... and also watching those CNY tv... catch up my Feng Shui ... didnt know how will be my Zodiac this year at Dragon Year... i wish it will be blast!!! since last year not that perfect... i hope that this year will be the GOOD year for me.. when it comes to my health, love, education...

Friday, January 13, 2012

last day at work..

today, will be my last day at work... :))
some sad, sweet, sour and salty happiness....

some of my friends... i will miss them alots..
this afternoon, suddenly Jay and his fren come to our shop.
i tell him that today will be my last day working at here... then he look so shock...
then he ever promised my MCD... then he and his fren faster go buy MCD for me...
he buy Big Mac for me... awww..... how touching.. i tot he will buy the mac chicken for me..
for ice-cream for me... heheheheeeee.....
good..nice... aww... wanna cry now...
then afternoon Nur come to shop too.... he and his Fiance come together... she gv me the letter for me...
and also my boss.... she gv me the free cookies to me... :D

every1 i will be missing them much... muacksss.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love u all,....

Monday, January 9, 2012

missing them...

4 more days to go will end my working day... i'm gonna missing them lots.... Finexsys boy, awang, hafeez, uncle Luggan, most and my dearest: Nor... and also icing boy.. ohya... talk about icing boy. suddenly...... he come to our shop... with his fren...normally he just alone... but today he come with his fren... maybe is his new fren... never see them b4.... LOL...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

1st tme working experience..

ok... lets talk about my 1st time working experience....
is true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my 1st time ever working experience....  working with other people...

working at Tun Jugah shopping mall, Wilson Deli.
working at there is nice... u can meet diffrents kinds of customer attitude, reaction.
the memories i work at there, i learnt alots of new things... for example,

  • making sandwich.
  • sweep the floor
  • mop the floor
  • climb the staircase.
  • intro the CNY cookies. [ see the reaction from the customer].
  • disturb people. [LOL]... i know is kind of weird right??
  • making friends from the 101 staff, elianto staff, ipoh town staff. 
ok... making sandwich is my 1st time experience ever. i never and ever making sandwich... is truth!!! i have made:
cheese, egg, chicken, tuna, turkey ham, lastly box sandwich..
i very satisfy when the customer buy the sandwich that made by me.

sweep the floor & mop the floor. although i have done this just at my home only, but i never done this stuff at the public... the worst things when it omes to mop the floor. once i done mop, the water havent dry up yet, the customer just come inside the shop. can't they see the floor are still wet???? ishh... just waste my time to mop the floor only... sighh...what to do... customer always customer.

intro the CNY cookies to customer. once i intro to customer about the cookies, some of them prefer to buy, order, even worst are either dont wanna order or buy it... just wating my time to talk to them... persuade them.... bla bla bla...... mostly.... i persuade them to buy it.... 50 customer 45 percent successful.... other 5 percent are fail.... just try the sample, but didnt buy.. thats makes me to see the kinds of customer atitude.. i have learn it alot... it easy for me to understand when it comes to buyer behaviour.... which am gonna study when my school resume...

next... disturb people???? O.O|||
i know i know is kinds of stupid if am saying this...
but for me, is my 1st time experience...
u can disturb all the customer... from level 7,9 Finexsys boy..., abell hotel security, afternoon the boy send the bun...
working at there, i have called some of the customer nick name.... for example:
  • mocha boy
  • icing floss
  • chic floss
  • papaya boy
  • uncle.
mocha boy, papaya, and uncle are the guys working at Finexsys.... chic floss are the guy working at wonder toys...
why suddenly have uncle? cause yesterday[8-1-2012] he come to our shop, i was busy writting something, suddenly he come and say hi to me, but i ignore him..LOL... he's a footballers... LOL...
my icing boy........... im missing him alot....... damn much..... dunno where he missing to.....
right now, am starting to missing them damn damn very much.... i love u all...
4.00pm roti boy.... hafeez & awang... they send the bun to our shop... i also will miss them too... :)

lastly... my Nor..... she's... i cant say anything at all... sh'e like my best fren... my sister at working.... we used to play alot.... sometimes me and her share our experience.. what we have been through....

few more days to go, am going to say bye bye to all of them....  finexsys, my boss, my roti boy, my abell security uncle... sighh,,,,, i love u all.... i will never forget this kinds of experience in my life.... and also the Datin... she's nicelady that i ever meet. she's not very act... she's just be normal people... not over act like : am datin, u must respect me...

aww.... i love u all.... Muahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello 2012.. bye 2011...

woooow.. times flies very deeply fast... all the year i have been through.. all the good and bad things i have gone through... i've meet diffrents kinds of people. how they treat me, how they look at me... all i have seen it very well...

welcome to 2012... i have make myself to achieve goal... next year [2013], me; Jesselde will be graduate from LIMKOKWING UNIVERSITY OF CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY. in Diploma in Mass Communication. i must study hard this year in sem4,5 and 6. i wouldnt let my parents down same goes to my family. they support me all the way in my University life. i appreciate it alot.. thanks. :)

the brand new year must have my brand new resolution about myself...
lets talk about my new year resolution... hermm... for the truth, i havent think of any new year resolution.
i've think of some... there are....

Jesselde 2012 resolution:
  • study hard, play hard, work hard!!!
  • achieve my dream goal..
  • if i got my own bf, loyalty to him.
  • listen to parents.
  • driving... get a car..... [COMPULSORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
thats my new year resolution... 
although i didnt target kind of very big, but... i target from small to big dream...
finger crossing, everything will gone perfectly nice and beautiful in 2012.
