Monday, March 28, 2011


KL KL KL.... how i wish i can be part of their country people..... how great it was...heheeee....

every where also shopping mall.... yesterday i come bck from there....heheee.... although only 4 days 3 night bt my experience it was great....heheee... the greatest was on the way bck home, i see taiwan singer fei long hai... omg.... alot people come at 7pm smth to que up to see them.... although the event start at 9pm... they come for the canon camera...heheee.... i take their picture from far distance.... sad was cant see them zee avi... heheee... swt.. ==|||


whille waiting for the van to come, outside there's a cruisers outside there.... i go and play.... heheee... and i was their winner..... i win the toshiba mouse.... heheee..... how lucky am i jux play the lap ta lip tap loop...i dont knw how to spell that name but they want us to play and dont look him look behind... i jux simply guess and put my hand.... who knw i become their winner.... lmao

wooooow.... never tot tat........

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