Saturday, January 8, 2011

countdown CNY..

jux left few more weeks than gonna be chinese new year...
wooow.... my mum still havent prepared any 
Cookies... set up lantern... hey...tats should be b4 new year lar....lolx...
so excited ...lolest...
im already bought my day1 shirt.... day 2?? not sure abt yet....
necklace?? earring??? all set.... my hair??? let it be natural or... curl??? ask God'swill come my house make my curl hair... heheee... or.... borrow from him??? heheee.... he have the iron.... i want it... dont worry Godswill.... i will stole it from ur house... hahaaa...!!!!!
sooo kinteo abt it...
OHYA! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
march am going to KL.... cant wait ar.... faster march... wanna go holiday.... duduk aeroplane.... see the colud...  i know is LMAOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
heheee.... funny huhh....

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