Monday, January 31, 2011


yesterday sunday i was watching celevrity appearantice... 
this the season tat i watched... nice...
i have learn smth after watching the show... 

trump quotes: step into business world, if u being force yourself step into the business world, u are wrong....  the most important is . . . . . . if u have the passion, or interest or love/ fall in love the business, then  u are correct.... hehehee... if u wanna doing business with ur fren or family, make sure they are interest with that business.... nt being forced to be... all the best then.... ;)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

新年快乐 & gong xi fa cai ! ! ! ! ! !

祝大家新年快乐 !!!!!!!!!!!
财源滚滚来 !!!!!! 
 每天喊發發發啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;))

Friday, January 28, 2011

gong xi fa cai ! ! ! ! ! !

yeah.... left few more days wanna celebrate chinese new year le!!!!!!!!!!!
am soooo fucking excited.... getting ang pao..... (red packet fill with $ inside...) get more $$$ and spend it on KL trip... wooooohoooo.... hahaaa.....
cookies those things all done already...... shirt also done..... jux thinking wanna manisure it or nt???
i wanna try this manicure by myself....
jux have to buy the nail polish and the sticker....
nice.... i like it.... 

i love those two... is lovely and nice...... 
hope i can make it...

my cny shoes.... silver..

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Try it ! ! ! is fun ! !

Put this as your status and see what colour you get replied:
Red: i love you
Orange: i hate you
Pink: you're cute
Green: funny
.White: i used to like you
Yellow: you're amazing
Black: i miss you
Blue: friends forever
Purple: you're hot
Brown: you're sweet
Aqua: i want to be yours forever
Maroon: i dont know you
Grey: can i have your number?

Thursday, January 20, 2011


this few days been so busy... ....
from morning untill night... am soo tired and fed up...
wanna scream ar..... but.... hax....
luckily all my stuff all first day wear... accesories all set...
jux need buy the sin care... wanna go ATM machine take money out.... my previous or nw am using nw almost finish.... must be prepared... ;)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New horoscope . . . .

New Zodiac signs 2011 are:
Capricorn摩羯座 : Jan. 19 – Feb. 15
Aquarius水瓶座 : Feb. 16 – March 11
Pisces双鱼座 : March 12 – April 18
Aries白羊座 : April 19 – May 13
.Taurus金牛座 : May 14 – June 20
Gemini双子座  : June 21 – July 19
Cancer巨蟹座 : July 20 – Aug. 19
Leo狮子座 : Aug. 20 – Sept. 15
Virgo处女座 : Sept. 16 – Oct. 30
Libra天秤座 : Oct. 31 – Nov. 23
Scorpio天蝎座 : Nov. 23 – Nov. 29
Ophiuchus蛇夫座: Nov. 30 – Dec. 17
Sagittarius射手座: Dec. 18 – Jan. 18
before this, mine was Scorpio..... now...change to libra..... scorpio, im gonna miss u....

♥ No Intention . . . .♥

i fall in ♥ with no intention..
i wanna have a conversation with all the falsing mean it,
i also gonna like what your pretty u living , i had no direction fall in ♥ with no intention
this is crazy but i fall in with no intention
but i try to make things to correct it all
cause all i am is i want is become your lost.
your best fren and I maybe that's why in crush
but u never suspecting because you had your own trust
now im beat him up
but myself i try to myself
dont to this same but for me i know it no help
u can be mad at me all u want..
all i hope u crazy i got u is what u want...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

♥♥♥♥Valentine day. . . . ♥♥♥♥

jux left few more months gonna be Valentine day... dunno this year >2011 have any valentine day out???
too bad is held at monday.... 14-2-2011......
if at sunday...or saturday still be nice....
can enuf date out... heheeee....
receive flower... or... teddy bear.... it would be nice.... lolx...
if rose, soon gonna be dry up.... if teddy bear, still can keep it....
hehee.. cant wait it...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Raining . . . . . .

these few days keep on raining....... how come the cloud was full of water inside??? whr does the colud get the water???? 
hahahahhahaaaaa......... funny huhh.....
 i wanna wash my clothes.... i cant.... alot of clothes still havent dry up... shit....
haix.... where's the sunny???? 
when rainy day, it was feel cold... when i sleep feel so sweet.... feels like dont wanna wake up.... 
the wind blow inside my room.... woow... feels like am in somewhr other country... not in malaysia... 
wearing jacket.... and wear socks while sleeping...

Good & Evil

when my first class starts is gonna be design study 1.... collaberateion with Graphic design student sem1.... wooow....
first assignments gonna be something like : good and evil....
now am searching some information... here are some pic.... that i found...

hope tat am being able to draw it..... heheee.... gamateh~~~ ^.^ 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yeah yeah yeah ! ! ! ! !

Yeah ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
i jux heard that my school.... returning student, on 23-2-2011....
28-2-2011 first day of class.... yeah!!!!!!
woow.... cant wait it......
Im fucking happy now ! ! ! ! ! !  ! !
not sure abt that yet.... heheheee..... OMG!!!!!!!!!
school going start soon..... coming soon..... very scared now....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Air plane crash.....[air asia]

today i was on fb, i saw some one wrote her wall post.... Air Asia air plane crash.... omg....
wooow.... luckily no people was injured...only 4 ppl... bring to Hospital Umum Sarawak....
because due to the raining season.... haix....
hope my next trip was safe arrived....
here are some picture...

all the flight was cancel.... 
for those who have any emergency flight also have to be cancel....

Monday, January 10, 2011

National Sevice or PLKN

PLKN . . . . 
on the 2010 i was been selected to follow the National Service camp.....
my camp was at sematan... near Lundu.. not Bau or serian camp..
its really far from kch.. its takes smth like 1 hour 30 minutes... wooow.... really far huhh..... wat to do...
i was at thr for 2 months...although they said must be thr for 3 months... i went out earlier... for study at college.... i went out by 26-5-2010.....remember my date...heheee...
that time also my some KL and 1 kch fren went back too.... 
there are, me, yian ping, ksin yi, jess,miko, daphne..and 2 guys...
woow... miss it....
i went back home that time almost end the programme too... i dont care....
as long my sijil are coming...heheee...
am feel so great that my skin not dark... alot ppl at thr are jealous of my skin tht are not black....
want tips or my secret?? ask me personally... i didnt apply any sunblock stuff.... like banana boat, sunplay thse stuff.... those tings are not effectively.....
i love my PLKN was the activity of menembak.... hari sukan.. thats all.... kawad... its was a torture and killing me.....flying fox.... im scared lar.... luckily nth happen to me... am feel great.... am scared of high lar.... hahahaaa... im screaming that time... luckily the jurulatih didnt pekak... lolx
this is my first, and the last timme holding M16 gun.... woow... so proud of myself.... and meet the army people....
here are some picture... hope u guys enjoy it... ;)
sorry ya, if any blurr pic.... cause tat time didnt bring any good hp to thr... :))
 dewan Mas Gading.. while waitinng the muslim...
 my room key P3/20
at the airport kch.... last picture with KL fren...with jurulatih John too...
 sarjan try to demo how to use and shoot it..

 M16 gun

                                                                   my locker... [messy...]

 Dutch Lady milk... chocolate favour.... as my breakfast b4 turun padang...i drink it at 4.15a.m

 since my last day  at camp, although the food was spicy, i have to eat it... very clean huhh... no food left... jux ignore the lft food part there ya

 sunday my parents bought me fruits instant of KFC...PIZZA HUT...and etc...
 shooting time with M16 gun... i still remember mine was at 11 place.. getting ready time... havent shoot yet
 shoot time....
 my jurulatih and my KL fren... Ksin yi and miko law
 zul and anita....
 sports day.... my happiest day ever... and exciting...
 my 1st breakfast
 my kompeni BRAVO flag...
these are the ppl who are going ack home on 26-5-2010.....

Wedding Dress..

i just found this song... is sooo nice.... i hope my bf sing it for me.... im gonna be very touch and started to cry.... *tears out*

Never should I've let you go
Never found myself at home
Ever since that day that you walked
Right out the door

You were like my beating heart
That I, I can't control
Even though we grown apart
My brain cant seem to let you go

Thinking back to the old times
When you kept me up late at night
We use to mess around
Laugh and play, fuss and fight

I guess its too late, I'm dancing this dance alone
This chapters done, the story goes on

Can't believe that you are not with me
'Cause you should be my lady [ my version: cause u should be my man]
All I want is to set your heart free

But if you believe that you belong with him
Promise me, you wont let anyone hurt you
Remember, I will always be here for you
Even if it kills me to see you

In that wedding dress, dress
Oh see you in that wedding dress, dress
See you in that wedding dress, dress
Oh see you in that wedding dress, oh no

Snappin out this misery
Depression this aint me
But I always turn around
180 degrees

You got control of me
And I, I cant explain
Somebody call 911 Emergency
Before I go insane

Since you've moved on
You took a piece of me give it back
So much pain in my chest
Blacking out, heart attack

I guess its too late, I'm dancing this dance alone
It's too late~~~~

Can't believe that you are my big me
'Cause you should be my lady [my version >> u should be my man]
All I want is to set your heart free

But if you believe that you belong with him
Promise me, you wont let anyone hurt you
Remember, I will always be here for you
Even if it kills me to see you

In that wedding dress, dress
Oh see you in that wedding dress, dress
See you in that wedding dress, dress
Oh see you in that wedding dress, oh no

And I see you with your man
and it's hard to understand
If we belong, if I did you wrong,
where we even began
We would always fuss and fight
and it seems nothing was right
But I loved you girl and you were
my world but you'd never trust this guy
'Cause the things I do when
I'm on the stage,
they say I'm a superstar
You couldn't understand all
the female fans
and then we grew apart
And I just don't get when
you're acting like some other person
But I try my best to hold on
at the times when it ain't working
And every time that you say
it's over it breaks my heart
and I don't know why
'Cause you've done it a lot
of times in the past
but I get back up and try
You said we could work it out,
how could you hurt me now
And you moved on to the next,
I'm left with an imperfect smile

But if you believe that you belong with him
Promise me, you wont let anyone hurt you
Remember, I will always be here for you
Even if it kills me to see you

In that wedding dress, dress
Oh see you in that wedding dress, dress
See you in that wedding dress, dress
Oh see you in that wedding dress, oh no

Sunday, January 9, 2011

American next top model...

today am watching American next top model..

i cant believe that... woow... after finish watching, am feels that being model is not a very easy stuff....
have a beautiful post, full fill the photographer saying... yeah... is not a easy stuff....
like my idol... Tyra Banks...
here are some photo