Thursday, December 2, 2010

brand new month of the december....

Today is the new day new month also last for the month of 2010.... lolx.... :))
today me and my mandy went to spring to hang out for her mid term break STPM exam... woow so relax....
we went to watch movie>>> harry potter..... then we jalan2.... heheheee..... >.<
i also saw vivian law at spring... she work at K-Box there.... wooow.....
i went to switch.... they already take away the vacancy notice already.... :(( sad~~~
haix.... just tat hope have a new nice  job.... heheee..... if not i would die.... for staying at home for nohing.... i already promise tat i wanna to earn $$ and  buy pro camera... NIKON D3100.... or CANON EOS 60D.... ^.^

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