Saturday, December 4, 2010

Decision.... & Heal the world concert...

i was just hope that my decision was correct..... this year if u guys still remember that i was post smth at my wall post at facebook.. that >> i want go to LIMKOKWING cyberjaya study... or at LIMKOKWING London.... to study my mass communication course.... after saw the video of our limkokwing webside.... feel like wanna go there study.... lolx.... why ya??? OMG....
if i want went to cyberjaya.... i have to wait until my graduation day... then i can go there.... shit i wish my semester 6 faster come.... heheheee... hahaaa.....

 before this... our club GLEE Club was inform that last week saturday was heal the world concert.... might collaboration with INTI, SWINBURNE.... then suddenly change it to next year february... luckily i didnt went to the practice.... we practice everyday... even our presentation day or week also have to practice it... i have to thankful for myself.... for didnt attend... i just attend for 1 times only.... lolx... then i didnt attend it... cause i was busy for my assignment.... then exam... the final exam week then the practice season was cancelled cause everyone waas busy.... even for mass comm student.... ;))
at first we was inform was the concert..... then suddenly change to Gala Night.... then change to concert.... if gala night... i have to find black dress.... make up artis... i think dont have to... cause i know how to make up... plus... our GLEE club also have make up artist too.... kelvin tan... he was officially make up artis for the M.A.C make up... not bad huhh.... heheee.....
if for the concert.... its easy lah.... just wear the t-shirt...pants... i think dont have to make up... cause we will sweat up too... so... dont have lah...lolx...

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