Sunday, December 12, 2010

new recipe...

yesterday after watching "women zone'' at NTV7......
the programme started with the way of proper eating.... something like rules & regulation.....
and recipe from Dr. andrew pang..... 4 people who have [sembelit..]
all u needed is....
- container... any shape...
- apple
- honey

  1. cut the apple into slices... (in medium size.. not so small or big..)
  2. put into the container....
  3. then.. put the honey.. 15-20%... if the people who have the diabetis... 5% its ok....make sure the honey cover the apple....
  4. add on some water.... not too many...
  5. let it be for 3-4 days.....[ if the at under the sun, 3 days its enough...]
then.... served it.... nice try....... im think im gonna do it too.. ;))

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