Tuesday, November 30, 2010

last day of month NOVEMBER! ! ! ! ! !

Woooow..... wuuuuhuuu!!!!!!!!!! today is the last day of the month november..... tomorrow gona be my december..... last month in 2010.... woow... times flies really fast..... let it gone be by gone.... haiz.... is fucking bored at home.... eat sleep watch tv.... almost the same as my life after my SPM exam finish... OMG...... i wanna find job to do.... jobs tat can kill all my boring virus.... if work.... gonna be busy..... no relax.... i found 1 shop... is located at spring..... at SWITCH shop.... just nearby DIGI shop... or PADINI CONCEPT STORE only.... hahaaa...... there's sell something like MACBOOK PRO.... IPOD.... hopefully have the IPHONE.... thy looking for VACANCY.... part or full time... email them my resume.... woow.... hopefully can work at there lor.... once work... must be gonna tired.... no time to FB.... SKYPE....YM..... loolx... work from 10 a.m untill 10p.m..... everyday.... + weekend... huhuhuuuu.... really freaking busy tat time.... haaaahaaaa...... i just work until before 26.... then i have to get prepared for my Sem2..... then have 22,23 or 24 feb, i wanna off cause i have to go back to campus  for returning student day....

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