Saturday, February 26, 2011

school resume......

soon school starts....
am still havent get any prepared.... 
thank God... am pass my sem 1... woooooohoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 freaking happy now..... heheheee...
soon gonna be very busy... assignments... imagine..... 6  subject.. gosh!!!!!!
hope am can manage it very well.... this time am gonna be very serious in study.. nt play anymore... 
woooow... cant imagine right huhhh???
everyday have class..... no rest at all...............
from monday toooo friday..... 
when am got my timetable, i saw my first day of class was on the afternoon.... cause morning use for sem1 student... human comm.... wuisehh!!!!
yesterday me and darrel waiting for alexious...for 45 minutes... shit...
jux to see the result.. haiz......
i saw alot new face at staffroom.... it menas that alot lecturer..... wooooow....
as i know was fashion lecturer..... mine also... mass comm also new lecturer.... woow..... 
all young young lecturer....
i saw 1 fashion lecturer soooo..... eeewww.... acting like a girl... thank God he didnt teach me....
if yes, im gonna kick him out... maybe he teach very fun?? dunno???
cant say it first... heheheee.....
here am coming..... first day of 28 also last day for the month of february, dont wake me up early ya.... let adelyn yuko sleep late... 

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