Friday, February 4, 2011

adelyn is freaking happy........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wooow.... am soo hapy.... y i say so??? 
last night i chat with ammy P.... he wishes me : gong xi fa cai...
then i say thanks for the wishes.....
suddenly i ask him the african awards ent.... 
i told him tat am have vote him  and also their sound circus ent.....
the awards night held at KL.... on 15-3-2011....
he ask me wanna go , of course i want.... bt got class.... 
and they all group member gonna be at there.... wooow.... wishes all their best.... pray for them....
he ask me to posr at their graoup page wall.... dont want lar... paiseh... he say he gonna comment it....
i ask him to post i comment.... im sure the fan also want them win smth....
i also told him tat am also have listen their song.... the jamalo and no intention....
and he ask me whether i have their  album... i said no... he said he gonna gv me the album
and also have autograph....
he ask me whether when im free, then take the album from him... omg!!!!!
he say when am free they hallo or sms him.... he want my num. then i gv him... he miss call me.....
am sooo freaking happy nw......
i cant even sleep yesterday night..... 
i tot am dreaming.....
he said im his tatol fan.indeed.... omg.....
sound circus ent, must bring back awards ya..... am gonna pray for u... :))

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