Saturday, February 26, 2011

No intention . . . . .

gentle hands,fingertips,
your soft lips against my skin,
is it really ignorable?

finger twined, touched heads,
in the back seats our lips first met,
is it really ignorable?

yes it is, the silence is our proof,
should not have let myself fall for u,
got lost in a summer holiday,
with no intention,
fell in love without any inention

big stage, bright lights,
your bass in hand, my mouth on mike,
is it really ignorable?

best friends, endless lovers,
guardian angel, humble brother.

yes it is, the silence is our proof,
should not have let myself fall for u.
got lost in a summer holiday,
with no intention,
yes it is, the silence is our proof,
should not have let myself fall for u,
get lost in a summer holiday
with no intention
fell in love without any intention...

Only hope . . . .

There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
But you sing to me over and over and over again.

So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.

Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.

So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope.

I give you my destiny.
I'm giving you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.

So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.

hmmmmm, hmmmmm, oooooh.

The new image for my blog ! ! ! ! ! !

hey guys and girls outside for those who view my blog, my blogg offically change to a new color... 
i could said that everything change... nth maintance... heheee.... hope u guys out there like it... heheee......

school resume......

soon school starts....
am still havent get any prepared.... 
thank God... am pass my sem 1... woooooohoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 freaking happy now..... heheheee...
soon gonna be very busy... assignments... imagine..... 6  subject.. gosh!!!!!!
hope am can manage it very well.... this time am gonna be very serious in study.. nt play anymore... 
woooow... cant imagine right huhhh???
everyday have class..... no rest at all...............
from monday toooo friday..... 
when am got my timetable, i saw my first day of class was on the afternoon.... cause morning use for sem1 student... human comm.... wuisehh!!!!
yesterday me and darrel waiting for alexious...for 45 minutes... shit...
jux to see the result.. haiz......
i saw alot new face at staffroom.... it menas that alot lecturer..... wooooow....
as i know was fashion lecturer..... mine also... mass comm also new lecturer.... woow..... 
all young young lecturer....
i saw 1 fashion lecturer soooo..... eeewww.... acting like a girl... thank God he didnt teach me....
if yes, im gonna kick him out... maybe he teach very fun?? dunno???
cant say it first... heheheee.....
here am coming..... first day of 28 also last day for the month of february, dont wake me up early ya.... let adelyn yuko sleep late... 

Monday, February 21, 2011

lesson for guys outside....

lesson number 1. Never talk about how you feel about another girl with your girlfriend. It totally kills her heart.
lesson number 2. Never ignore your girlfriend no matter how much homework you have to do or to pass up. If it's important and urgent, smile and tell her that you got homework to do first. ;)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


i never tot tat ama getting SOUND CIRCUS ENTERTAINMENT album....
woow... ama soo freaking happy now.... 
thanks again to ammy p annie... for the album... wooohooo!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy valentine's day.....

happy valentine's day to my blogger... ... and all single's ladies, single man.... man.. women's... married....
today i was went to plus.. mandy mum shopt to get the location map for the friend's garden map... 
nw... i abit tau lar.... nw..
at plus shop... i have the valentine's day experiences.... some laz minutes shopping.... i see mostly last minute's shopping... some bught card... some bought the flower... some bought the big valentine's day card.... wooow.... i see girl's buy to their bf... boy buy to their gf.... aww... that awesome huhh.... wish i can be the one of them.... 
so sweet.... wish have someone can buy for us too.... 
tats what call valentine....
nt only valentine's day can be celebrate with our love one's.... bt also can celebrate with our friend's... family...
valentine's means that A day to  express our love... to our love one's... the person that we care... :))

nw ama boring.... my love one going out for dance... to perform...... haix... he seem to important his stuff rather than me.... haix.... sad~~~ wanna cry.. much... gosh.. my tears out.... 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

S.U.N.D.A.Y.... [my day..]

today i went to Spring.... need to change mum shoe that bought yesterday... then and went to ta kiong for buying banny stuff.. and also for my love stuff.....
i carry and went to the MPH book store i look like old aunt... Gosh~
i should take the padini concept store beg... i mean shopping beg.... lmao... then i look lke young teenage... 
first time of being choose the apple... carrot... damn.... my first time... i also nt really sure how it look fresh? nt fresh... inside have worm.... swt... being so regret for didnt learn hw to choose apple...or any other fruit... nw.. i should learn from my mum... lmao... hw if nxt tme i study overseas.. no one.. or other family members helping me choose the apple... whether is fresh.. nt fresh.. or die... lolest... 
soon school sesion start... am abit scared.... jux scared for the design study 1.. am nt really  at drawing....  shit.... sorry ya... being so rough ......  hope u guys dont mind ya... lolest...
haix.. tmrw is valentine day am dunno wat am i gonna do... as i knw  was that morning my time still the same... clean and sweap my room... and afternoon watch my drama.... from 12pm untill 5:30pm... lmao... nt all the time...
here's my tv timetable...
12pm-1pm korea drama
1:30pm-2:30 pm was the local drama...
2:30pm untill 3:30pm was the hong kong drama... funny and nice....
3:30 untill 4:30pm i didnt watch.. mum said nt very to previous.... so i skip it....
4:30 - 5:30pm is a nce drama... abt make up... tmrw gonna be a competition.... abt make up... ama nt gonna miss it... lmao... nice drama adelyn law nt gonna miss it out... 
soo hungry... am still havent ate my lauch and dinner.... haix..... no food .... hungry~~~~
nw ama eating.... finally... am eating the ngeria food.... although am nt really good at it.... i jux eat the chicken... although have fish, prawns, chicken... ama alergic to prawns... fish nt look like fish.... lolest... then all i can eat is fish....only food tat i can eat...haix.... then i eat the biscuit... still hungry.... maybe i wanna go home cook mee maggie... 
haix.... mee i can cook only.... other food,..... i cant.... even cook the rice.... weird right??? lmao...
some of my fren they can cook... nt me... cant dunno hw to cook... haix... lousy hor??? even my fren [LIMKOKWING] they can cook... make sushi... cook like fried rice..... i knw hw to make sushi... jux didnt have the container only... i knw the ingredients... and didnt have the  container to make the shape...

Friday, February 11, 2011

holiday schedule

my holiday was full with "boring" with this words...
morning wake up.. 
brush teeth..
wash fash...
eat my breakfast..
then facebook...
then reading storybook..
then eat...
watch tv drama...
then go bath... then watch drama again from 1:30pm untill 5.30pm
then bath..
tv show..
then sleep...

wat a boring life....

if shopping, then the afternnon full with shopping words... heheeee... 
when it comes to weekend, night time, i went shopping... then.. watch survivor... then celebrity appearantice... then sleep....  lmao...

Choices . . . . . . . .

in our daily life.... there must be choices.... it hate it sooo much.... 
it making us freaking headache to make or to choose 1... 
these are the choices tat need my brain and my heart to think of it.... swt...
 bank ::
 hairstyles :::
 laptop :::
 school ::
hope i didnt miss out anything.... heheee... ^.^

sien and boring...

haix.... soooo boring stay at home...
i wanna go spring..... miss spring....
my shopping heaven... lmao...
soon valantine day.....
soon gonna end chinese new year .... haix... miss getting ang pao.....
wanna go inside to bank... 
i was thinking to open my self account.... i already 18...
can get an ATM card... lol...
get those $$ and spend at KL.... wanna buy cloth... buy formal wear... alot lah..
 but... nt spend all.... spend half half lar... lolx...
yesterday night i was thinking doing banny necklace...
cant wait to see it...kinteo ar...

Monday, February 7, 2011

♥ ♥ banny ♥ ♥

yesterday i went to see a male rabbit.... adopted by stephen dyke...
awww... he so... fucking  cute.... heheheeee.... 
i wanna feel like taking away from stephen... he sooo cute.... 
it take time for me to see him....  he always walking here and there..... and hide.... if u carry him, he will feel like scared.... and like gementar.... so scared... aww.....
luckily i take some pic.... he sooo photogenic... aww..... hw damn cute of u banny...
here are some picture that i have token...
 shy to see cam.....
 feed banny eat...
 carry banny..
 hugs.... make u warm...
 without ear...
 see cam.... * chiack*
 resting for banny...
 shy again.......
 sayang banny
 awwww~~~~~~~~~~ damn freaking cute....
 clean himself...
 huhh???? lolest... 1 ear??
 carry u....
in the cage... eating.....

there are alot picture of banny...... but i cant put in too many... limit spaced.... sorry ya guys....
wanna see more, go to my fb photo.... cute right banny????

Saturday, February 5, 2011


am was thinking wanna adopted rabbit or nt.... heheheee.....

hw cute was those pix.... aww....soo cute...

Friday, February 4, 2011

adelyn is freaking happy........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wooow.... am soo hapy.... y i say so??? 
last night i chat with ammy P.... he wishes me : gong xi fa cai...
then i say thanks for the wishes.....
suddenly i ask him the african awards ent.... 
i told him tat am have vote him  and also their sound circus ent.....
the awards night held at KL.... on 15-3-2011....
he ask me wanna go , of course i want.... bt got class.... 
and they all group member gonna be at there.... wooow.... wishes all their best.... pray for them....
he ask me to posr at their graoup page wall.... dont want lar... paiseh... he say he gonna comment it....
i ask him to post i comment.... im sure the fan also want them win smth....
i also told him tat am also have listen their song.... the jamalo and no intention....
and he ask me whether i have their  album... i said no... he said he gonna gv me the album
and also have autograph....
he ask me whether when im free, then take the album from him... omg!!!!!
he say when am free they hallo or sms him.... he want my num. then i gv him... he miss call me.....
am sooo freaking happy nw......
i cant even sleep yesterday night..... 
i tot am dreaming.....
he said im his tatol fan.indeed.... omg.....
sound circus ent, must bring back awards ya..... am gonna pray for u... :))

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


祝大家新年快乐 !!!!!
Gong xi fa cai!!!!!!
一年升一年!!!! ! 
财源滚滚来 !!!! 


吃团圆饭 !!!!!!!!!