Tuesday, December 28, 2010


im back.....
adelyn law aka yuko!!!
im just fully cure from my fever, flu, sore throat, cough.....
omg.... this was my bad romance of the year 2010.... never get sick like this....
high temperature... 39.6 celcius.... fuhh....
my lesson is... drink more water....
i didnt have any special mood to eat....
i ate less.... just eat few only....
even my fav food salad chicken rice i also eat less then i throw it away.....
waste money right??? wat to do my selera.....
soon gonna 2011... new year day im going out with angela..mandy...jason...ing them all....
hopefully nana pau also go out.... heheee...
i wanna ask her where she buy her handbag...
i want tat bag soo much.....lolest....

Monday, December 20, 2010


sorry ya... for didnt updated... i was i having my fever....flu...sore throat.... red eye for 3 days.....
wat a sad day.....huhh......
it was rreally torture me... seriously....... lolx..
all just hope that faster recover now.... and enjoy my holiday... ;))

Thursday, December 16, 2010


today i was thinking wanna do some pizza...... i successfully made it.... lolx....
although didnt have the pizza hut that delicious.... i sepnd 14 minutes to do it..... then....put inside the oven for 15 miutes.... woow....
these are the pizza photos....
this was done by my mum......

this was done by me [adelyn]


yesterday [wednesday] after playing with ephraim, i was take my break for awhile.... then i was use my phone...[song erricson] to tae some pic..... my SE phone was cybershot....woow.... then i try somethng cool and fun.....

i love u my dearest......

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

should i dye or highlight my hair???

im soooo confuse right now...... should i dye....or highlight my hair????
im really so confuse right now...... really really damn confused.......
should dye or highlight???
haix..... sooo confusing me......
last time... im curl, staraighten my hair, all cant stand long time.....
just because of my hair.....

Sunday, December 12, 2010

new recipe...

yesterday after watching "women zone'' at NTV7......
the programme started with the way of proper eating.... something like rules & regulation.....
and recipe from Dr. andrew pang..... 4 people who have [sembelit..]
all u needed is....
- container... any shape...
- apple
- honey

  1. cut the apple into slices... (in medium size.. not so small or big..)
  2. put into the container....
  3. then.. put the honey.. 15-20%... if the people who have the diabetis... 5% its ok....make sure the honey cover the apple....
  4. add on some water.... not too many...
  5. let it be for 3-4 days.....[ if the at under the sun, 3 days its enough...]
then.... served it.... nice try....... im think im gonna do it too.. ;))

Friday, December 10, 2010

♥♥masquerade party♥♥

masquerade party??? should  i attend??? i feel i want attend.....
@crown square
RM10 [ if u wear mask along...$ will return u back..]
should i attend???? im being sooo confuse...... :((
what mask am i going to wear or buy ya....???
this mask i love it soo much.....

this mask tooo..... the color.... the shape... the texture.... OMG..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

life is all about ? ? ? ? ?

when we living in this earth.... there must be happy and also sad.....
for me... sad and happy also have in my life... even angry.. >.<|||
ohya... and also less called... ya... just hope the stupid times flies faster......
i wanna go back to school.......... i miss my class..... i wanna study.... b4 my brain get rusty...... :((((
when school starts.... we always keep on complaining that alots of assignments....exam... presentations....bla bla bla...
when holiday... can enjoy.... but.... stay at home was tooo fucking  bored..... if going to work... was too tired...
if die.... nth happen... just sleep only.... >.<


yesterday me and mandy went to K-BOX singing... im was singing this song....

丁当-我爱他.... and also the britney spears-everytime....  i was terharu by this song..... this 2 song i love it very much...... if possible.... sing to my dear...


我爱他 轰轰烈烈最疯狂
情节有多坏 都不肯醒来
我爱他 跌跌撞撞到绝望
最初的天堂 最终的荒唐
伤了痛了懂了 就能好了吗
我爱他 轰轰烈烈最疯狂
逃不开 爱越深越互相伤害
越深的依赖 越多的空白
我爱他 轰轰烈烈最疯狂
情节有多坏 都不肯醒来
我爱他 跌跌撞撞到绝望
最初的天堂 最终的荒唐
若那一刻重来 我不哭
让他知道我可以 很好
britney spears-everytime...
Notice me, take my hand
Why are we strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me

Everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you, baby

I make believe that you are here
It's the only way I see clear
What have I done
You seem to move on easy

And everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby

I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song's my sorry

At night I pray
That soon your face will fade away

And everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

PC wallpaper...

OMG... my laptop wallpaper just all my logo photography..cartoon and also the LOMO pictures....
these pictures are my wallpaper... :))

why this picture[ Mr.messy] because im always messy.... lolx.

yes... this picturer i set as my wallpaper.. because other people tought that it was nth... or switch off the pc...

my logo... [adelyn phptpgraphy]

piano... =)

new year resolution... [2011]

My new year [2011] resolution was..... lolx... no lah.. ><|||
 i have think several stuff.... i just hope that i can make it or do it very well....
  • A good relationship with my bf...if i found it... ;))
  • score well in my exams...done well in my presentations... and complete my assignmens...
  • NIKON D3100 camera...or.. LOMO camera...
  • be a good girl... and also sayang or love  my marcel...
  • spend my time well being either relationship, studies... social with my friends..

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Decision.... & Heal the world concert...

i was just hope that my decision was correct..... this year if u guys still remember that i was post smth at my wall post at facebook.. that >> i want go to LIMKOKWING cyberjaya study... or at LIMKOKWING London.... to study my mass communication course.... after saw the video of our limkokwing webside.... feel like wanna go there study.... lolx.... why ya??? OMG....
if i want went to cyberjaya.... i have to wait until my graduation day... then i can go there.... shit i wish my semester 6 faster come.... heheheee... hahaaa.....

 before this... our club GLEE Club was inform that last week saturday was heal the world concert.... might collaboration with INTI, SWINBURNE.... then suddenly change it to next year february... luckily i didnt went to the practice.... we practice everyday... even our presentation day or week also have to practice it... i have to thankful for myself.... for didnt attend... i just attend for 1 times only.... lolx... then i didnt attend it... cause i was busy for my assignment.... then exam... the final exam week then the practice season was cancelled cause everyone waas busy.... even for mass comm student.... ;))
at first we was inform was the concert..... then suddenly change to Gala Night.... then change to concert.... if gala night... i have to find black dress.... make up artis... i think dont have to... cause i know how to make up... plus... our GLEE club also have make up artist too.... kelvin tan... he was officially make up artis for the M.A.C make up... not bad huhh.... heheee.....
if for the concert.... its easy lah.... just wear the t-shirt...pants... i think dont have to make up... cause we will sweat up too... so... dont have lah...lolx...

Friday, December 3, 2010

ho ho ho!!!

still left few more weeks is gonna be X'mas....!!!!!!! yeah yeah yeah
i could say tat every shopping mall....hotel... already set up the x'mas song..tree...
even the carpark or [Loo] have the xmas song... woow...
let me set 1 song for here... for the mood xmas...
how do adelyn gonna spend her xmas??? i have no idea... lolx....
just hpe that he have fun... haix... i want go also... but... have to wait untill march.... then is my turn go KL...
just cant wait... heheheeee...

cookies cheese cakes...

3 weeks ago... i was making some cookies cheese cakes.... *just 4 fun only..* who knews that is was delicious.... [yummmy..] lolx...
 i willing to share my recipe... :))

- 250g cheese
- 3 cans of nestle cream for 3 layers....
- biscuits
- 1/4 lemon [juice]
- milk
  1. open 3 cans of nestle cream and put into the bowl.
  2. beat the cream for 6 or 7 minute until think.
  3. set the cream aside.
  4. beat the cheese until melt
  5. add the cream and milk inside the cheese.
  6. beat the cheese mixture until creamy
  7. add 1/4 lemon and beat it for 1-2 minutes.
  8. spread 1 layer of the cream as the based.
  9. put into the biscuits.
  10. spread the cream above the biscuits
  11. after finish spread the cream, put the cheese into the refrigerator for atleast 2 or 3 hours...
DONE!!!!!! and SERVED IT.... :]

Thursday, December 2, 2010


so far... i found that i like or love NIKON, CANON, and also the cute or small camera.. LOMO....
there a quite far diffrences between canon,nikon,Lumix,sony or bla bla bla.... and LOMO camera....
 LOMO is small, in square shape... easy to bring....and also waterproof.... i compare the picturer taken by LOMO and Nikon D3000.... alot diffrences...

these are the LOMO photo effects....

this picture i like the most.....

F.Y.I... this picturer are 2 in1.....

it can make untill 60's....

these are the nikon D3000

Mass Communication...

my life.... change alot compare to high school life....
why i would said tat... bacause....
we dont have any particular uniform..... wear any shirts,dress...pants...high heels shoes to school also can... no rules.... even we saw our senior student smoke at campus also.... cant believe right??? so do i.... lolx...
i have 2 weeks of orientation... first week orientation nth much... we have to learn dance... [fash mob dance] teach or guide by senior sem2 student... for the PERHIMPUNAN BELIA.... it was nice dance.... we are given 3 days to learn tat particular dance.... not bad.... ;))

first day of class.... or first week of school....
the lecturer will gonna ask this question>>> why did u guys choose mass communications???
then.. all of my classmates answer our lecturer question...  i heard some of them they like to talk... some of them wanna become editor.... and my answer is>>> i want to become editor of magazine.... i mean my own magazine.... and also become freelanse photographer.... taking any kids of picture... [nature.... human being....wedding photo... any kinds of picture i till take it.... no specific.... *even paparazzi??*]

then... when i register at LIMKOKWING... i saw alot people wearing black color.... then... smth come ot my mind tat i should buy  more black color shirt.... who knows.... isn't compulsory to wear black..... only lecturer and staff..... THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only performance have to wear black.... even our presentations...... right now, i have more black shirt than others color.... lolx....

♥♥ adelyn new blog...♥♥

hey guys.... my previous blog was lost... [i think so..] don't know where does it been to??? or.... someone know my username and password and change it??? so bad ya.... its ok... nth much at there too.... didnt my privacy or secret stuff at there too.... loolx....

hope u guys can read and dont go out and gossip ya..... :))
copy right reserved by Adelyn Yuko Law.

brand new month of the december....

Today is the new day new month also last for the month of 2010.... lolx.... :))
today me and my mandy went to spring to hang out for her mid term break STPM exam... woow so relax....
we went to watch movie>>> harry potter..... then we jalan2.... heheheee..... >.<
i also saw vivian law at spring... she work at K-Box there.... wooow.....
i went to switch.... they already take away the vacancy notice already.... :(( sad~~~
haix.... just tat hope have a new nice  job.... heheee..... if not i would die.... for staying at home for nohing.... i already promise tat i wanna to earn $$ and  buy pro camera... NIKON D3100.... or CANON EOS 60D.... ^.^