Saturday, August 6, 2011

1st assignment . . . ..

my fist assignment : Band Differentiation

what i should do in this assignment just looking 3 brand....

searching the ways to advertising their brand.... to promote brand.....

this are the brand im been found.....


these are 3 brand am going to do... Pepsi, Starbucks, McDonald...
first and last, i must doing some research about :
  • the history
  • founder, CEO, Key People.
  • the Head Quater branch...
  • who give the name...
  • packaging design
  • the way they use to advertising... hw they attract customer to buy their products...
thats all i have to do... sounds easy right?? i have do in report format.....

my senior do 32 pages...... nt included front cover, content.....
i can do more than 32 pages... if i afford it....

this sem 3, i just having 4 subjects...
my lecturer said our previous senior can pass...
y not we this batch can pass... not fail...
i wanna pass all the subject with flying color.....

i must aim atleast   A B

if my brain and me eye works well...

in JESUS Name I Pray, AMEN...

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