Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gotcha Call

guess what?? hitz.Fm get Gotcha by our Malaysian Prime Minister..... woooow.....
 before i show u the link for the video, wanna give u guys some link for this....

check this out link..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=Pmdx06R6teE

damn funny.. can't stop watching at all..i have watch it for 10 times...repeat non stop... GOSH....

JJ&EAN, u are the best DJ EVER!!!!!!!!!

i'm fully respect both of you.... if i have the chance, me [adelyn yuko] wanna meet u guys... :D

here u go... link for the Hitz.Fm youtube.... when u visit the page, u will see it... just click play..thats all...


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