Tuesday, September 6, 2011


yesterday, was my bf birthday.. me and him was celebrate together..... then we back to my assignment..... haix..... doing my assignments for 5 hours.........

cant believe right??????? LOL.. is real!!!

my brand new motorbike.... heheheeee.........

back home... just feel tired and sleepy.... and... suddenly.... 11.50pm i was heard that today have class.......


i havent start my slide even 1 slide yet.... huat lahhhh ...
no sleep already.....

sighhh... just feel sleepy and tired.... and keep on yawning....

suddenly almost 1am, message alert... 1 message from eviana...

i saw this sms, i was like 0.0...
omg.... just make myself tired....luckily i didnt drink COFFEE..... hahahaaa....
every1 last minute do assignment.... heheheheeheeee..........
suddenly this sms come.... then all of us was soo damn happy..... heheheeeee
yeahhhh... fnally can sleep.... 


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