Tuesday, December 28, 2010


im back.....
adelyn law aka yuko!!!
im just fully cure from my fever, flu, sore throat, cough.....
omg.... this was my bad romance of the year 2010.... never get sick like this....
high temperature... 39.6 celcius.... fuhh....
my lesson is... drink more water....
i didnt have any special mood to eat....
i ate less.... just eat few only....
even my fav food salad chicken rice i also eat less then i throw it away.....
waste money right??? wat to do my selera.....
soon gonna 2011... new year day im going out with angela..mandy...jason...ing them all....
hopefully nana pau also go out.... heheee...
i wanna ask her where she buy her handbag...
i want tat bag soo much.....lolest....

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