Friday, July 8, 2011

:: Adrian Rafferty Garston::

this evening i open my facebook, i saw look people post some sad news at their wall post....
i saw is kelvin.... he said we just lost 1 very great fren.... shit..... i was like huhhh?????
does this news is gotcha or.... real....
every1 was saying R.I.P.... shit..... cant believe it... is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:::adrian Rafferty Garston"::

may u rest in peace!, may God bless u... we [all limkokwing staff, student] will always remembered u well....]

still cant believe it is real....

the story was :

he was riding bike, from serian to kch, who knws... on the way back to kch,
already accident.... hit by lorry...... the lorry hit him and just run away like that...
this driver will karma.... every1 wanna report to police ... to catch this guy....
hmmmmm... just shocking..... tooo happen suddenly
sooner wanna graduate nw passed away... hmmm....
just speechless....
my classmate dear friend... Eviana, dont sad ok?? we always helping u and be your side....
be strong....

may u R.I.P...
we always remember u at here......  ='((((

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