Thursday, April 28, 2011

new design studies 1 photo upload.....

done my 2nd design assignments... i could said all done... jux left 1 only... heheheeee....


Saturday, April 23, 2011

still busy...

sorry... adelyn still busy....
gosh.... i have no idea wat the hell am doing right nw.... is was like am.... soooo busy condition.....and stress....
alot alot.....
keep on coming to me... i feel like an i have a long long time didnt go to spring....
shit.... i just realize tat... omg.... and also busy have long time didnt see my cousin..mandy.... OMG......
LKW jux making my life soooooo confusing.... next week im having exam...presentation...assignment...
haiz.... cant imagine.... espically design studies.... dahlah busy dengan mass comm assignment...nak busy dgn design studies pulak... haiyoooooo.....  i wish the time past very fast.... lets go design studies 2.... photoshop...heheheee... but... i have to pass the design studies 1 first.... imagine 30 assignment... lmao.... not kidding at all.... seriously.... heheheee....

today my campus having 1 battle of the band competition... jux nw 8 smth am can hear the band play the music.... gosh.... i dont have to go there... i can hear from my house... right nw... have people talking... later 2pm hope they volume up the music.... so tat i can hear it...hheheheee.... good luck ya all the band...although im nt at there... am busy....sorry ya....